JOHN FREEMAN THE CHAIR HE chair was made By hands long dead, Polished by many bodies sitting there, Until the wood-lines flowed as clean as waves. Mine sat restless there, 5 Or popped to stare Hugged the low kitchen with fond eyes Or tired eyes that looked at nothing at all. Or watched from the smoke rise The flame's snake-eyes, 10 Up the black-bearded chimney leap; Then on my shoulder my dull head would drop. And half asleep I heard her creep-^ Her never-singing ftps shut fast, 15 Fearing to wake me by a careless breath. Then, at last, My lids upcast, Our eyes met, I smited and she smiled, And I shut mine again and truly slept. 20 Was I that child Fretful, sick, wild? Was that you moving soft and soft r rBetween the rooms if I but played at sleep ? 390