possession of His things for ourselves. In the
first, we work with Him in His Plan, and in the
last we work against Him and against His
Plan. This is the secret of the Divine Wisdom
and the lesson to be learned if we would be
wise in the things of God.

In questioning as to what Theosophy is, we
hear, as I have said, various replies ; and some
reply that it is a sect, some that it is anti-any-
religion, and some that it belongs to that long
list of "isms" which increases from time to
time, and some that it takes you away from
your own religion. It is impossible that the
Divine Wisdom can be or do any of these things.
It cannot be against any religion but must
include all—it cannot be sectarian else it
separates, the Divine Wisdom cannot separate,
it must draw together, it could never tend
to take away any from his religion seeing
that the fundamentals of all religions are at
one within the Divine Wisdom. It may and
does show up the empty form of a religion
and point out and uncover the form of Truth
within that religion, which Truth may have
been hidden by various empty forms or cere-
monies. It does point out the essentials, the
fundamental truths and discard the heresies.
The Divine Wisdom cannot seek to destroy