If then we are sharers of one Life, the fact of a
Brotherhood of Man follows without question,
for the loftiest form of life, be he Man or
angel or God, and the lowest form, be it fish
or insect, partakes of that one life and in a sense
shares the same hope.

Granted then that all forms of life come from
one source and that a vast brotherhood is the
result, we seek immediately to find ways and
means to make that Brotherhood a living
reality, something that we can realise and feel
in everyday life.

The secondary teachings of Theosophy

are those which are the common teachings of
all religions, living or dead ; the Unity of God ; the
triplicity of His nature ; the descent of Spirit into
matter, and hence the hierarchies of intelligences,
whereof humanity is one ; the growth of humanity
by the unfoldment of consciousness and the evolu-
tion of bodies—i.e., reincarnation ; the progress of
this growth under inviolable law, the law of
causality—i.e., karma ; the environment to this
growth, the three worlds, physical, astral, and
mental, or earth, the intermediate world and
heaven; the existence of divine Teachers, super-
human men.

Each religion has presented all these Teach-
ings emphasising one or other special teaching to
suit the times in which it came and the race to
which it was sent. From time to time also
different teachings have dropped out from