stage, we claim a let me help you " as the key-
note to that stage. It is a higher stage, beyond
the stage of the world as a whole at present.
It is the exception to find the man or woman
whose life is given to " Let me help you ". The
day of the democracy which we are beginning
to understand is the day of the second stage
"We will share it".

The day when we realise that man's Divin-
ity is to be found within ourselves is the day
that makes us change our note to " Let me help
you " ; for as we discover divinity within us the
truth dawns and we begin to understand that
separation in all its forms is not in accordance
with the plan of God but that He works for

The fourth stage is a higher step still, again
after thousands of years and many lives; this
stage is more difficult to describe. In the same
diagram the keynote of this stage is " In His
Name ". Selfishness departing, the motive for
action, not for myself but for some one else and
" In His Name "— not my nor thy but His. The
attitude to life altered, the attitude to work
altered. Selfish ambition is passing and work is
henceforth dedicated to the Master. Our motive
of life changed, not selfish pleasures, but to give
pleasure to others because they belong to Him.