The fact of reincarnation brings back justice
to God and power and freewill to man. The
difference of caste, of class, of creed are all
necessary for their different lessons, and they
have to be learnt in each place, in each phase,
in each life, not necessarily in every phase or
every life. It ceases to be unjust if you are
born in a castle and I in a slum, if by this we
are able to learn that which these several posi-
tions bring, and if that lesson was specially
needed from what had happened in previous
lives. According to the way in which we " take
life " is the character builded into each one of
us. For we either bring in treasures that we
shall be glad to carry on or load ourselves with
dross that becomes a load in future. Pain and
sorrow of all sorts and kinds seem to be th'e
means by which our thoughts are turned to the
desire for perfection, the desire to help human-
ity and to lessen the sufferings of others, and
the desire for unity with God. Jn pain and
suffering we learn as nothing else seems to
teach us the futility, the uselessness and empti-
ness of doing work for gain for ourselves.

We all go through lives when we strive
for pleasure for ourselves, for luxury, for gold,
and then we go through a stage and find the
pleasure turned into pain, the luxury into