be a success if all nations are treated with an
established right to live. This again can only be
done by starting on the fundamental basis that
every people has its place in the universe and
every religion has its place and comes from God.

The study of the Divine Wisdom shows us in
all religions living or dead a common teaching,
—the Unity of God and the threefold nature
of God or Trinity. Then

the descent of Spirit into matter, and hence
the hierarchies of intelligences, whereof humanity
is one ; the growth of humanity by the unfoldment
of consciousness and the evolution of bodies----i.e.,
reincarnation ; the progress of this growth under
inviolable law, the law of causality—i.e., karma ;

the environment to this growth, the three worlds,
physical, astral, and mental, or earth, the inter-
mediate world and heaven ; the existence of divine
Teachers, superhuman men.

While the Unity of God was a fundamental
idea in all religions, the names by which He was
known seem to have been very numerous and

Upon the walls of the temple in the oasis of
El-Khargeh is inscribed a hymn copied byBrugsch
which records " the mysterious names of the God
who is immanent in all things, the soul of Shu
(breath) to all the gods. He is the body of the liv-
ing man, the creator of the fruit-bearing tree, the
author of the inundation; without him nothing
liveth within the circuit of the earth, whether north
or south, under his name of Osiris, the giver of
light; he is the Horus of the living souls, the living