our body, our mind and our thought is the
necessary consequence, if we have no other
desire save only to pass the gateway that brings
us to perfection.

Having attained this control we should be
able to gain tolerance, endurance and balance,
qualities which affect others even more than
ourselves. They are qualities that lead to
brotherhood, to fellowship, and on towards the
fourth qualification union and love. No brother-
hood can exist except on the foundation of
tolerance. Tolerance sounds easy, it is in fact
the hardest quality to attain. It does not
mean the attitude of "All right, leave'him
alone, I know, he does not," which is what
many think ; but it is putting into practice the
belief that every man has the right to his own
opinion and that our part is but to understand
his point of view, and finally that it makes no
difference to us that he goes his way and that
we go ours because we know that there are many
roads and that each has only a partial vision
on those roads.

Endurance is not the sullen acceptance
because we can do no otherwise ; but it should be
the accepting of a debt knowing that the debt
is owed by us and comes as an opportunity to
pay it off incurring no further debts. We should