with open arms accept the debts and be glad
that they are posted to us now. In cheerfulness
we should pay them that we may continue on
our pathway with lighter load.

Balance or one-pointedness: The path has
been called the razor path. We cannot wobble
upon it,—to wobble is fatal, for there is a preci-
pice on either side. Balance is a necessity, and
one-pointedness is in a sense part of it. If we
would keep our balance, we cannot afford to let
our thoughts and minds wander from one thing
to another, but our minds must be fixed on the
walking on the razor path. Pursue this simile^
for it is so obvious that if we are attempting to
climb, we must keep our heads and we can only
do so by keeping our minds fixed on our aim»
there can be no looking back.

IV. Desire for Union or Love. I have said
already this has been called in various religions
by several names. Liberation, freedom, seems
to express it best, and in the simplest language.

For now the hour is come when I should quit
This golden prison, where my heart lives caged,
To find the truth ; which henceforth I will seek,
For all men's sake, until the truth be found.

Union means that the truth is found, that per-
fection is gained, that we have become as gods
knowing good and evil. A long road, aeons of