The ideal of Brotherhood if followed would
make it impossible for us to add one jot or one
tittle to any suffering. The intense self-sacrifice
that was observed in the war in all countries
must have been a sacrifice of sweet-smelling"
savour that went straight to the throne of
God when we note that thousands, nay, millions
offered up their lives for the sake of their
country. This is no place to discuss the rights
of each country. The sacrifice offered in each
was the same, in the fact that life was offered
for the sake of others and for the protection of
others. In all the distress and chaos and
suffering that the war has caused we sometimes
lose sight of this fact, the pain and suffering
will pass, but the sacrifice offered lives in the
records of eternity.

Do we talk of cruel lessons ? Is any lesson
cruel? Rather is not every lesson kind?
Every effort, every lesson learnt, is a step
towards the road that leads to the higher
life where pain and suffering will be welcomed
as a sign that the fetters and chains of our
own past making are being loosed, and
we are on the way to freedom from the load
with which we have burdened ourselves.

The knowledge of the Divine Wisdom helps us
in our attitude to life, and the walls that