-which is higher or towards that which is
lower, meaning that the effect of the war was
such that it stimulated people either to greater
things or to lower things, no one stood still. The
effect of the war is on the same principle,—it has
stirred people on either to greater efforts to help
humanity or to seek pleasure for themselves.
This is profoundly true as can be seen by a
superficial study of the affairs of the west.
Crime has increased. Prisons closed during the
war are now being opened. Morality is at a
lower standard, and sex perverts are becoming
common and opportunities for l< doubtful"
pleasures have largely increased. Side by side
is a strong effort to unite, to co-operate, to
understand one's neighbour, to raise humanity,
to improve, to spiritualise and to understand
other nations and to work with them, not against
them. That is the reason why so many are ask-
ing questions about Theosophy, because it is
recognised, consciously or unconsciously, that
Theosophy has a truth to give to the world
which clears up many muddles and solves many
difficulties and works towards brotherhood.

The wide vision that Theosophy gives to those
who try to study it is the fundamental ideal of
unity, of ultimate union. The One Life goes