priest came that way, and a Levite, both
passing by on the other side; but a Samaritan,
one looked down on by the then public, saw
him, had compassion on him, and helped him,
did all he could.

" Which now of these three thinkest thou was
neighbour unto him that fell among thieves ? "
And He said, "He that shewed mercy on
him." Then said Jesus unto him, (t Go, and do
thou likewise."

This story is cited as representing Brother-
hood, but it was in reply to t( Who is my
neighbour ? " A neighbour is one who lives near
by, and often one whom we do not know, never
speak to, though we may have lived side by
side for years and years. Yet this story was
given in reply when Jesus was asked to define
neighbour. Neighbour must have had another
significance in those days to that which it has
now. We take this story as a symbol of
Brotherhood. A brother is someone much
closer than a neighbour, t( a kinsman by blood,
one of a common family or race, a fellowman,"
united by a common tie, interest, rank or
profession, and united also by a common tie of
toil, suffering or aim.

In all parts of the world we see a struggle
for brotherhood, in various ways; the fact