but law is law and there is no difference in size
any breaking of the law of Brotherhood i£
criminal, for the law of Brotherhood is God's

A great change of attitude is embodied ir
the covenant of the League of Nations when
a subject nation is to be looked upon as £
responsibility of the country of more experi-
ence; as a younger brother that needs help
as one that is weaker and needs strength fo
protection. That is a brother's attitude, but it i
very different from the old idea of suppression
oppression, and depression, which has been th
common order of the day. Home Rule is i
fundamental law of Brotherhood. The begin
ning of " home rule " is within each man, and
have referred to it as the Inner Ruler. Horn.
Rule is an inevitable outpome of a struggi
towards Brotherhood, and the world, unknow
ingly, is recognising this truth, and largel
unconsciously is working towards it. There i
alas, ever the ebb and flow, the move forwaT
and a counter move to stop it—but we mov
we progress, there is no standing still.

If we aim at Brotherhood, our idea of ft
functions and responsibilities of the State mu
alter. The State should look after every on