the secret of working towards brotherhood.
After all, we come back to the story of the Good
Samaritan. The two that passed by on " the
other side " were not gentlemen, but the one
who poured in wine and oil and gave the
sufferer of his best was worthy of the name. If
we claim to belong to G-od's family, we expect
that His family should produce gentlemen and
not ruffians. It seems a long way to go, but
if we all have the same aim, if we work together
and act with chivalry towards each other, how
light will be the load and how easy the road.

Yes, Theosophy is the great motor-power that
works for Brotherhood; nothing can stop its
onward course, though it may be retarded if
we fail to join hands. Each religion claims that
it works for Brotherhood, but each religion has
failed because it will not allow the same liberty
for others as it claims for itself, nor will it give
the same reverence as it expects to receive.
Theosophy embodies all religions, is against
none, nor does it uphold any particular one as
superior in any way to another, believing that
all religions come from the same source, and
that each has the same fundamental truths
given out, in different forms suitable to a given
time and place, and presented, so as to appeal to
the people to whom it was revealed, at a given