and how far the essentials are identical with
the essentials of other religions. This Society
has been formed by seventeen Chaplains who
were out in the midst of the fight. This work is
carried on sub rosa. A great deal is being done,
many are joining the Society. The Church in
the Furnace
published a few years a^o is well
worth reading; the ideas put forth by each
writer are extremely good and it is useful, more
from the point of view of the wish expressed to
become international in their religion, than from
the wish to bring together those who are study-
ing religion from the deeper philosophical side.

In writing of brotherhood I remarked that
there were many signs that the world of
to-day was seeking it both consciously and
unconsciously. On all sides international re-
lations are being pressed forward, too rapidly,
apparently, for some of the nations who want
to stand aside, but the result must inevitably
be, that, if a nation stands out against
the pressure of the stream of internationalism,
it will be squashed, lifted off its feet, carried
down the stream. No nation can stand against
such a stream, for the time has come when
co-operation, linking together, working together,
unity, internationalism, oneness, no matter what
you call it, has come to stay. It will take time,