the causal body more and more developed.
When it is developed to its highest extent, that
man becomes an Adept. In the Textbook of
to which I have previously referred,
the causal body is very clearly described. Indeed
it is difficult to write of the constitution of man
in a short article such as this with any clearness^
for there is so much to be said and so much that
one must inevitably leave out. I would however
remind you that these short articles are only
meant to bring certain facts before you hoping
that further study will be prompted from

A very interesting branch of the subject is
the study of the power of thought on our own
bodies and on those of other people.

Every thought of a definite character such as
a thought of affection or hatred, of devotion or
suspicion, of anger or fear, of pride or delusion, not
only creates a form but also radiates an undula-

This radiation travels in all directions and
may contact another mental body in a passive
or receptive condition and communicate to it
something of its own vibrations. In ordinary
speech we call this u catching another's
thought". This process goes on all the world
over, and will continue to do so until we have