possibilities to attain, the same latent powers
to achieve.

In the practical world, in the study of charac-
ter, this is very marked ; take, for instance, the
habitual drunkard who will squander all his
money at the expense of starving his wife and
children, yet, often the kindest heart is hidden
under the mask which for the time being he
has allowed the passion for drink to dominate*
His attitude to life has been to enjoy himself,
and nothing bat a changed attitude, to think of
serving some one else than himself, will make
him alter. Still, therein is the possibility that
must be awakened, if not in this life then in a
future one, for this change of attitude is the
turning point in our long chain of lives. You
may call it by many names, but it is an awak-
ening to the fact that there is no separation,
that life is not a possession but is a great
charge of which he must give account, that no
one can live for himself alone, for all life is
one and we belong to each other, and that
what one is matters to and affects others.
This change has been called conversion, dis-
crimination of the real from the unreal, you
may call it what you please, but one day each
one of us has to face this change, which is an
awakening, and we do not always like to be