HOW shall I tell you of the light that Theosophy
brings? My tongue is tied, my pen cannot
describe it, would that I were free in spirit to
fly and whisper it to you, but I am but an
ordinary creature, and have to use a wooden
pen that writes in a wooden style. You must
read between the lines, you must use your ima-
gination and read what I mean behind the
crude words that I have to use. If you can do
that part then I may be of some little use
to you.

I questioned, why the suffering ? Theosophy
answers with that wonderful law of cause and
effect, action and reaction, and by doing so
shows us plainly that according to what we do
now shall our future be foreordained. The
future rests therefore in our hands, as the
present is the outcome of the past, made by
ourselves. I questioned how? And Theosophy
propounds the inevitable law of reincarnation,