pain of mind, of soul, of body ? We all have to
learn what is use and what is misuse of all our
faculties, of all our vehicles. We all learn
through pain and mistakes, it seems, that as we
are at present constituted, those are the only
ways by which we can be wakened, the only
way to make us think of others, the only way
that makes us realise the futility of the pleasures
'of this world and the reality of the Eternal Life.

Theosophy makes one feel so safe, no specula-
tion needed or allowed, no chances, but a sure,
inevitable law which centres in ourselves; we
ourselves are part of that law, or should I
rather say come under it and in that sense are
part of it ? If we go against it, we break, the
law remains ; if we work with it, all goes well.
Everything that does not go well is caused by
going against the law of God.

Theosophy brings with it a sense of happiness
and shows how useless is the folly of worry; no
worry ever put a thing right, but often worry
has killed out the possibility of seeing clearly to
help to put the thing right. Worry can never
help. Theosophy helps us with control of
thought and warns us that if we let a thought
get the better of us we are thereby mastered
by it, and instead of controlling our thoughts,
we are enslaved by them. This is the case with