world is weeping to-day and the hope that
Theosophy brings can dry her tears. Many
have lost faith; the truths of Theosophy can
rekindle that faith for she asks no one to leave
his religion but helps him to live it and aids in
the endeavour to uncover the hidden truths in
every religion.

No true Theosophist can be a coward, how
can your courage fail if you believe that God
reigns in each one of us. Are we not then able
to be all powerful, to conquer everything if so
be we live up to what we profess to believe ?
For if God reigns within us what should our
lives be? The Light of His Presence should
shine before men. Let us then go forward
with this fact as a living reality in our hearts,
it will change the whole world to us. Instead
of letting the lower self dominate we can, under
the banner of this great Truth, conquer all that
is small and petty and turn out all that is un-
worthy of the presence of Him who would reign.

We are free, we can choose, there is no com-
pulsion, every time Theosophy is put before us it
is an opportunity to further knowledge and
way to freedom from our lower

^sri^i'^^^^ signpost to the Mountain of the

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f Eternal HV^Hpf the world.

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Printed by JyR^ria, at tlio VasanTa Press. AclTar/Madraa.
