26 SKETCHES OF GREAT TRUTHS suffering, if the law of rebirth is not to be believed. It is unthinkable that God should hold in his hands two baskets, one full of prizes to give to one whom He would favour, by giving him a castle to live in, with every luxury, every care, love surrounding him and every opportunity to make him wise, lovable and true, and in the other hand another basket with nothing but poverty, starvation, to deal out, a slum to live in, no beauty, no chance in life, ill-health, possibly worse; and yet that that same God should demand the same result from these two, is, as I have said, unthinkable—one never seeing evil, the other in the midst of crime. Again another question comes up : " What becomes of the spirit of the new-born babe which only lives for a few hours ? Has it by that short life had its experience ? " If the spirit is specially created for that short-lived body, what a waste of energy it seems to be to have created it. Why is one cut off after a few days, one in the prime of youth, and yet another allowed to live long after remembrance and all facul- ties have ceased to function ? I spent much time, patience and energy in asking for an explanation to these questions and the Church only replied, " It is God's will; " and in