30 SKETCHES OF GREAT TRUTHS shall bring us along the road to perfection. -For perfection is our aim. There is, perhaps, no philosophical doctrine in the world that has so magnificent an intellectual ancestry as that of Reincarnation—the unfolding of the human Spirit through recurring lives on earth, experience being gathered during the earth life and worked up into intellectual faculty and conscience during the heaven-life, so that a child is born with his past experiences transmuted into mental and moral tendencies and powers. Though the Christian Church rejected this ancient doctrine, yet we find that scholars from all ages have accepted it. The Buddha taught it, Pythogoras and Plato also taught it. Jose- phus states that it was accepted by the Jews, t( in the Wisdom of Solomon it is stated that coming into an undefiled body was a reward of ' being good ' ". Christ told His disciples that John the Baptist was Elijah, so He accepted it. In the Middle Ages from a learned Sufi of Islam we hear : I died out of the stone and I became a plant; I died out of the plant and I became an animal; I died out of the animal and I became a man ; why should I fear to die ? When did I grow less by dying ? I shall die out of the man and shall become an angel. We find it taught by Goethe, Schelling, Less- ing and other German philosophers.