CHAPTER V ATTITUDE TO ALL RELIGIONS I KNOW of a beautiful Banyan Tree that spreads its branches far and wide. It covers a great space of ground and it always reminds me of the attitude of Theosophy to all religions. Itself (Theosophy) the Mother trunk and while spreading itself it contacts the earth in many places and throws out tendrils which in their turn become trunks and spread out branches; all part of the mother tree. The tendrils are the messages of each religion, and each thrives as it touches the earth, and, as I have said, becomes in itself a trunk and spreads its own branches. It is in itself a tree and has its own life, but is united to the big tree also, for from that it came. All religions have come from the same source,. and yet each religion is separate in so far that it strikes a different note, a note specially suited to the times, to the country, to the race to which that note is sounded.