76 SKETCHES OF GREAT TRUTHS being that all believe deep down, no matter to which religion they belong, in the Fatherhood of God, and therefore work towards the brother- hood of man. This effort is shown in many ways to a very marked degree, moreover some of those efforts which appear to be insignificant are really doing very necessary spade work» Amongst them we may counfc the co-operative movement, that system by which all members are made joint partners in profits. The principle of co-operation in contradis- tinction to competition has long since passed the experimental stage; it is now firmly established as one of the greatest forces in our modern life. While the external features of the various activities which we saw were in themselves impressive, we were impressed most of all with the fact that the directing genius of the huge business < is located by the democratic choice of the members in the hands of the directors who are themselves workmen, and who conduct its affairs without remuneration after their own day's work is done. England has given to us many valuable suggestions during our summer here but none of greater importance than is found in the success of the co-operation movement. The motto of the movement is a worthy one for India in these days of political responsibility : (t Each for all, and all for each."