BEOTHEEHOOD 79 vision that a drawing together of the nations in one bond is the only way to prevent the cause of brotherhood from sacrilege. It aims so high that by a concerted and mighty effort alone can attainment be possible. It is an outside thing to reduce armaments; what we need is the spirit that will not use armaments if they are there. No law can make for brotherhood except the law of God, which makes a man a free man, a law unto himself. The efforts in all countries to improve labour conditions follow in the same train; it is a struggle to make one section of the people partake of the comforts of the other section of the same people, because we know that we are brothers and one brother is not inferior to others of the same family. The effort for better wages, better housing, is all on the same tack, and so is the struggle for better health conditions and the prevention of the spread of disease from one country to another, one brother to another- All struggles for improvements in factories, in injurious trades, in sanitation, show that we recognise the rights of brotherhood and of our fellow man. Freemasonry is a brotherhood of another type» working not at the material benefits for one and all but for the purpose of bringing together men