104 SKETCHES OF GEEAT TRUTHS Wisdom has; she has, as it were, a way tha explains and helps and lifts you over th ditches of doubt which in earlier days seeme so very wide, nor does she do this dogmatically for there is always plenty of room left fc individual thought and for working out fc ourselves the suggestions given by those wh know and see and feel and understand more. In the Jewish-Christian sacred Scripture w have a story of the beginnings of things in th first chapter. If taken literally (and I am sui it was never meant to be taken literally), tir story is childish, unreal, dissatisfying ; but rea with the light of the Divine Wisdom, you wi find presented by that simple story a great trut] In passing I must remind you that there aj three ways of reading sacred Scripture. Firs as a child, reading literally, that is necessary i a child, and belongs to the age when priestcra is necessary, when the priest insists that eac word is to be taken literally. Secondly, as or of mature age would read whose intelle* demands an explanation, and he takes it as a allegory and seeks with the seer the truth behir the simple story. Thirdly, as the spiritualma the man made perfect, who reads the spiritu Truth encased in the simple story by the help <