108 SKETCHES OF GREAT TRUTHS *i and might end with the finest specimens of the mammalia. The whole process is one of steady evolution from lower forms to higher, from the simpler to the more complex. But what is evolving is not primarily the form, but the life within it. The forms also evolve and grow better as time passes ; but this is in order that they may be appropriate vehicles for more and more advanced waves of life. When the life has reached the highest level possible in the animal kingdom, it may then pass on into the human kingdom. The outpouring leaves one kingdom and passes to another, so that if we had to deal with only one wave of this outpouring we could have in existence only one kingdom at a time. But the Deity sends out a constant succession of these waves, so that at any given time we find a number of them simul- taneously in operation. We ourselves represent one such wave ; but we find evolving alongside us another wave which ensouls the animal kingdom— a wave which came out from the Deity one stage later than we did. We find also the vegetable kingdom, which represents a third wave, and the mineral kingdom, which represents a fourth ; and occultists know of the existence all round us of three elemental kingdoms, which represent the fifth, sixth and seventh waves. All these, however, are successive ripples of the same great outpouring from the Second Aspect of the Deity. Here we have a wonderful scheme of begin- nings beautifully described which suggests to •us how the Divine Life involves a fragment of Itself more and more deeply in matter. In order that through that matter it may receive vibrations which could not otherwise affect