132 SKETCHES OF OREAT TEUTHS and by whom it can be returned. Therefore He put forth of Himself into matter, and He limited His glory, in order that through this natural and slow process of evolution we might come into being; and we in turn according to His will are to develop until we reach even His own level, and then the very love of God itself will become more perfect, because it will then be lavished on those. His own children, who will fully understand and return it, and so His great scheme will be realised and His Will be done. Theosophy, ever the Gospel of hope, points out to us the hope, the possibilities, open to all, and in theorising on these two sets of people it is plainly to be seen that behind these two sets is the inevitable law of reincarnation, and it is only a matter of experience by many lives and a determined struggle that will help the one set of people to realise that "which they do not see to-day. As the child knows no responsibility at a very tender age, so is it with the young souls. Responsibility comes with age and experience, and as Theosophists, we count age by life's experience, and not by years in the physical world. "We all learn, some of us know why, and some have not that knowledge, and in that lies all the difference. The moment the boy at school wakens up to the fact that knowledge is desirable, that he wants to attain, that he wishes to learn and to know, his study can no longer be a burden, no longer a trial, his attitude is changed,