THE LIGHT IT BEINGS 161 Theosophy belongs to all, else is it not the Divine Wisdom. Theosophy can never be parochial or narrow, nothing can be outside it for the Divine Wisdom is of God who is Omnipotent. He permeates everything, nothing then can be outside His Wisdom. No religion can be shut out, none belittled, none better or worse, each in its place as required in its own period of time. Each sent out from the same Source, presented to the world by a Great World-Teacher in its own appointed time, to a certain set of people or nations, and each with a special keynote that was of vital importance at the time. We might compare all religions to the colour of the spectrum or to the different notes in the octave of the scale, each separate in its own colour or sound but part of a whole, a comple- ment of the other colours or sounds. The Divine Wisdom cannot ignore any revelation that works for the upliftment of humanity, it could not say that one is superior or inferior for many revelations are needed. Many rays of the sun are necessary to warm the whole. Theosophy shows us the many-sidedness of Truth, how impossible it is, for us in our little- ness and with our limited vision, to grasp the vastness of Truth. Each religion has thought 11