THE LIGHT IT BRINGS 167 school, it is as if we were all up for examina- tion, some pass but some have to come up again for examination later, they do not go for- ward now in life's school. The study of the past teaches us to keep our minds open and the happenings of to-day need open minds ; there is so much going on that we do not understand and are afraid to look into, but we are children in life's pathway, so cannot we say with the children, lt when I am grown up I shall understand," and suspend judgment ? The fact is our old ideas have to be scrapped now-a-days. Are we bold enough to do that and start afresh with clear and open minds ? It is only ourselves then that can hinder us, it is ourselves that bind us, and prevent us from accomplishing that which our Higher Selves desire. A continual warfare we may say, only the warfare is within. The warfare is the God within seeking to expand and the lower self desires Him to remain unheeded. We have all faced, possibly many times, the loneliness of life, when everything seemed gone, everything that we thought of value or that we prized seemed turned to dross. Theosophy points out the things that live, the things that are worth while, and that the aloneness is only