XXIV June 75,1915. WE were speaking about the quality of Confidence: You must trust your Master; you must trust yourself. If you have seen the Master you will trust Him to the uttermost, through many lives and deaths. If you have not yet seen Him, you must still try to realise Him and trust Him. Of course it is practically impossible for us to realise a Master. You may try to do so ; you may form the highest ideal you know ; but, yo\5. see, the Master is supreme in so many ways, of which you know nothing, that practically the highest ideal that you can form of Him is still far too low. You cannot help that, you can only do the best you can. He has so many kinds of greatness that you cannot even imagine. Of course that is infinitely more true when you come to the Solar Deity, the Solar Logos. His greatness is such that no man could possibly understand. It is true even in ourselves, you know, which is in one way a comfort and in another, well, perhaps somewhat humiliating. We too are greater than we know. There are some people who have what is called a e< good conceit " of themselves. They think of them- selves as always right, as very good persons, and so