XXIX 7975. You may remember, Brothers, that last week we had just come (under the heading, Cruelty) to the question of vivisection. There is a great deal of very strong feeling in our Society on that question, and one cannot wonder at it. I may say at once that I myself have no sort of sympathy with it, that I consider the whole thing to be wrong—to be , absolutely the wrong way to approach what the doctors desire to gain by it; but at the same time I think that it is well for us to bear in mind that there are very different kinds of this thing, showing very different degrees of criminality, though all of them have the same great and vital objection to them— namely, that the whole principle oT the thing is wrong. In the books of the Anti-vivisection Society you will read all kinds of perfectly ghastly and obviously use- less horrors, things that people have done merely out of morbid curiosity—as, for example, to see exactly to what degree of temperature an animal can be baked before certain functions disappear, and all" sorts of horrible things like that. One must supppse that the men who do such things are not actually cruel inside,