VWVU4/ATION AND VOWRL~l»RODUrnON 39 "John ;t liiiiL a r*iw, a calf, a horm.*, "John ;t ;t hull, a cow, a citif, iiml a horn*. "John wjiti a a towh, a j*ig, a hull, a cciw, a calf, and a hunt*. M John a low, mil a !stim\ " John a tttjll, a r«m% a calf! mil t MTh** It* John. "*I1ir tow tin* hors^ tn John* *'Thf tlir la«jh, thi* fill, tin* hull, iht raw, tht* cilf, tlir U'tong tw John. **Y«ii iu*nnurk ^nbtatirt*? you ninimand the «** i***!* B-^St, "Oil! il you HIP! trvrr fwlfilk'il ! Il you to ftjtiiftwtiil ilir dtjtttitdt tl«\*i, wan il /** Another rirnisf *4niiifliii!t^ rrMirtecl ta for u llir kirynx **> shouting, or «k*r!»iimlng iti n loud voice, OfC'iiHliiiKilIy thr vo*%*U <»xrn:im*» ur«* WHtrniiitlritliy in a voice' an Inn*! an tlw* pujii! comfortably produt'i** llirm* ari not very nnploytrti. f!1n* atiovr tleMfrlbitl luw (or their tin* of tht* lilt* rstatili4iiiirtit of coiiHilous cfinilrtil of mt:tbit, Iiiiiniiirrabir vmuil i*X(*rt;iHc*H are in different miitmk for w!iirhf m n nili% im very definite jmrjiiimf is ; lit* indifferently (or the 0r fur systematic pratlict; on llie voweln* The to he are