MODES OF ENIMCIATION, ETC. 129 now* absolutely no one has been safe from stammering; for no one knew why he spoke normally * ... "After surmounting inconceivable difficulties I have pene- trated the matter in such a way that nothing can refute the conclusions I have arrived at. , „ , 111 am not a learned man, I am not highly accomplished and scientific; hence I am not going to write a learned book; but I shall relate and explain in what way and manner I succeeded in discovering the causes of my own frightful infirmity. Further, I shall record my observations on the manifestations of this disease, and finally 1 shall tell how I contrived with great energy and with the exertion of the whole strength of my body and soul to discover the way and means to cure my own infirm- ity! and hence also the infirmity of others, , * , "My work (or my struggle, I might say) aims at an ideal, I am not conducting propaganda for a lucrative undertaking. The sole object that I have in view is to banish stammering from the world (Stottwn aiw der Welt &n scka/m)^ and to place my exfwricnce at the service of those unfortunate ones whose anguish and suffering 1 know and appreciate full well, since 1 myself have tasted all the pain and bitterness that falls to a stammerer's lot. "Banish stammering from the world! "Is this "It sound* like mockery when I say, * I am In the fortunate position, an the result of experiences in my own person, as well as with my three children, ™- two girls and a boy? — of being able to answer the above question in the affirmative/ 11 It was thene terrible experiences that drove me to seek and inquire how the pain of tills awful disease might be removed; and, thank God, 1 have found the means and the way of exterminating the malady with its roots, ** As my life's work I have undertaken to abolish stammering