MODES OF ENUNCIATION, ETC 175 relapse, and for some time the impediment is often worse than it was originally. . . . ulhis relapse comes sooner or later. Usually it occurs while the student fc still at the institution ; sometimes it hap- jxsns while he is packing his things to depart ; occasionally it sugxtrvenes after he has returned to his former occupation and environment. It m very seldom that the relapse does not occur at all And now it is indeed a difficult task for the stammerer to reconquer doubt. ••— 1 remained at the insti- tution in quest ion continuously for two and a half years, but in this entire time 1 never spoke as fluently again as at the end of the first six weeks,1 41 One of the chief reasons for the relapse lies in the employ- meat of rhythmical speech, which mode of utterance it is really exceedingly difficult to follow. It was never difficult for me to observe silence, 1 know many pupils that fulfilled the requirements in this regard to the very letter; but I know only one that observed rhythmical sjwech afterwards in life. . „ , To silence one can accustom himself, but to rhythmical speech, However, the stammerer readily habituates him- self to the rhythmic bodily movements that are fre- quently prescribed for the ''regulation'* of metrical speech* Denhurdt records am incident that may well be cited in this connection; $ "Count K. underwent as a boy a course of treatment with Profcttor Lewis* of Berlin, The profensor's system was rhythmic speech, and the pupil had to accustom himself to regulating speech by the prescribed rhythmic movement of 1 Thi*se first ill weeks were observed as a fxsrlod of silence, ***Dts Stottem eiae Psychos," p. 45.