304 SYSTEMS OF TREATING STAMMERING Mm as soon as you are cured, or HuhHtantially benefited, nut! not before. Then and there negotiations will The promising quack will never ntand behind his pwmisei. . , . This is the final test of quackery which of the ilk can abide."1 The stammerer would do well to avoid as Incompe- tent or disingenuous the man that offer** a "home- course" or correspondence treatment. He do well to avoid the man with the ** Application Blank," and likewise the guarantors! the scientific "diaguosttrs," and the discoverers. lit* would do well to avoid that write on blighted lives, and men that warn stum- merers of future* terrors. He would do well to men that are too ardent in their al- truism and the brotherhood of the race; that are by their own confesnion the la*t word In speech-specialism; and men that tttrr all He would likewise do well to avoid men with *4rttpy- righted methods/9 and men with cheaper week by week; and to avoid and methods that will not stand the fullest This "Great Secret11 guarded hy MK|Huu*.hfiptH;ialiHt.sH is the fact that the stammerer is "tmntm*d.M 1 Some figft tiir writer HAW thin teat t<* * stutter-healer, Hit* Pnifensur guiimtiteint In !nHtantaneoun!y for twenty-rive ilallir*, Tlw |»fm{*cui\p »uggr*itefl that la* would glvr a written t« jwv A dollars If the riire WITO rfwlrii, hut If the l*r*irm failed, Ttir Prufinisiir n*^|wiid«i thai ii«t lii» »f