312 GLOSSARY Aperture: An opening; a gap. Aphasia: Disturbances of speech, perception, memory, etc., produced by abnormal conditions in the brain. Apodictic: Indisputable; above all contradiction. Apoplectic: Relating to apoplexy. Apoplexy: The symptoms induced by rupture of a blood-vessel (usually in the brain). Append: To add; attach; annex. Appetence: An instinct; a natural tendency or propensity. Appose: To apply. Apposite: Fit; suitable; appropriate. Approximate: To approach; come near; resemble. A priori: Inherent; innate; natural. Arbitrary: Not fixed; left to judgment or chance. Arraign: To call in question for fault; to accuse formally; to charge. Arrythmic: Not rythmic. Articular: Relating to the joints. Articulation: The pronouncing of consonants; the pronouncing of-the elements of speech. Articulo-moteur: A person whose verbal thought is of the motor type. Arytenoid cartilages: A pair of small cartilages in the larynx or voice-box. Asinine: Ass-like; stupid; silly. Asphyxia: Suffocation. Aspirate: A breath-sound; the letter h or a similar breath- sound. Assiduous: Diligent; attentive; careful. Associational: Relating to association (of ideas). Asthenic: Weakening; depriving one of strength or control. Atavism: The unnatural recurrence of a trait that was present in distant ancestors; a trait thus recurring.