STRANGE INTERLUDE NINA (Strangely.) I am the old Nina! And this time I will not let my Gordon go from me for ever! EVANS (Appears in the doorway of the cabin - excited and irritated.) Madeline's listening in now. It went dead on me. (Raising the binoculars as he goes to the rail, he looks up the river.) Last I got, Gordon third, Navy and Washington leading. They're the ones to fear, he said - Navy especially. (Putting down the glasses - with a groan.) Damned haze! My eyes are getting old (Then suddenly with a grin.) You ought to see Charlie J He started throwing Scotch into him as if he were drinking against time. I had to take the bottle away from him. It's hit him an awful wallop. (Then looking from one to the other-resentfully.) What's the matter with you two? There's a race going on, don't you know it? And you sit like dead clams! DARRELL (Placatingly.) I thought someone'd better stay out here and let you know when they get in sight. 295