54 THE ASSASSIN'S SHADOW LIES ACROSS JAPAN the idea that the degree of one's hospitality is measured by the volume of electric light turned on the scene. It hurts the eyes, irritates the senses, and robs the women of whatever beauty they possess. As usual I had terribly uphill work in dinner talk because the Japanese women, with few exceptions, won't help to keep the ball of conversation rolling ; it dies after each remark, and even when they make an observation it is whispered and I have to get my ear down into their plates to hear ; besides, the strain of trying to hear is very bad for the digestion. I always feel like saying to those who won't speak up : 66 If anything has to be strained, it's much easier to strain the voice than the ear "—but I never do say it. As for dinner conversation, Alice gets the best of it because she sits between men and I between women. Anyway, it was a pleasure to dine with nice old Prince Tokugawa and to remember that his family once ruled Japan. THE OTHER JAPAN SPEAKS October 18, 1932 In the afternoon-----came to see me by appointment. He said he wished merely to thank me for our dinner, but that is generally done by merely leaving cards, and it was obvious that he wanted to talk. He said a good deal to the effect that the moderate element in Japan is stronger and more widespread than is generally known, because their views do not get into the press or public speeches ; the people who do the most talking and writing in the newspapers are not always the ones who carry most weight, and that the moderate thinkers will be heard from in due course. This is the refrain that they are all trying to convey to me, but naturally I want some material evidence and want to know just how this alleged moderate movement is going to register in practical policy if it does eventually make itself felt, Now that Japan has formally recognized Manchukuo it is not evident how any Japanese Government could disavow that step or acknowledge even nominal Chinese sovereignty over Manchuria, which seems to be the crux of the whole problem. For my part I talked to ----- very frankly and told him of the exact position of the American Government in the issue, I am told that he is going to be a strong force here and am very glad because he is anything but a chauvinistic fire-eater. Dinner at the 'Uchidas', including Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, the Debuchis, Count Makino, Count Kabayama, Prince Tokugawa, the Aritas, the Mcllroys, and so on. Both before and after dinner I had long talks with Count Makino, who spoke very much along the lines of-----'s talks this afternoon, emphasizing the existing " under- current " of moderate thought, and then we talked of the results of the Versailles Peace Treaty. Later I sat down with-----, who spoke along precisely the same jJlines as Makino. They are all trying to get tiiis idea across to me. The only possible indications I can yet see which might point tq