INDEX Snows of Kilimanjaro, The, 343 So Big, 268 Society for the Suppression of Vice, the New York, 248*49, 315 Soldiers of Fortune, 216, 217 Soniers, 101 Something About Eve, 319 Son at the Front, A, 280 Son of the Middle Border, A, 228 Song of the Lark, The, 283-86, 288, 289 Sons, 352 Sons of the Puritans, 361 Soul of Meliccnt, The, 317, 319 Souls Belated, 275 Sound and the Fury, The, 325 Southways, 355 Southworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza- beth Nevitte, 106 Sparks, Jared, 44 Spoils of Foynton, The, 180-81 Spoon River Anthology, 271, 295- 96, 303 Spragg, Undine, 277 Spy, The, 23-25, 26, 28, 47 Stage Door, 269 Staflings, Laurence, 334, 340 Stanley, Abigail, 9 Stanley, Charlotte, 8-9 Stant, Charlotte, 184 Stars Fell on Alabama, 359 State Fair, 361 Stein, Gertrude, 324, 338-40, 341, 381 Steinbeck, John, 351, 364-66, 382 Stephen Crane (Beer), 323 Stephen Escott, 301 Sterne, 5 Stevens, James, 271 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 174, 178, 201, 215, 317 Stewart, Charles D., 236 Stewart, George R., 363 Stockton, Frank Richard, 190, 198- 99, 217, 377 Stong, Phil, 361 Stormfield, Captain, 160 Story of a Bad Boy, The, 117, 146, 207 Story of a Country Town, The, 190, 195-96, 294 (402) Story of a Novel, The, 345 Story of a Wonder Man, The, 333 Story-Teller, The, 63 Story Teller's Story, At 297 Stowe, Calvin K., 109 Stowe, Harriet Becchcr, 109*13, 117, 211, 374 Stransom, George, 100 Straws and Prayer-Boob, 319 Stray Lamb, The, 325, 331 Streets of Night, '335 Strether, Lambert, 183 Strike, 349 Stuart, J, E. B., 105 Stuart, Jesse, 360, 382 Stucfs Lonigan, 35 $-56 Suckow, Ruth, 301 Summer, 279 Summer in Arcncly, 222 Sun Aho Rises, The, 324, 341 Surry of Eagle's Nest, 105 Susan Lenox, 237 Swallow Barn, 49-50, 105 Sweetheart of M. Briseux, The, 166 Swift, 6 Sword and the Distaff, The (Wood- craft), 52 Taine, 1x9 Tale of a Tub, A, 6 Tales of a Time and Place, 214 Tales of Men and Ghosts, 274 Tales of Soldiers ancl Civilians, 230 Talcs of the Jazx Age, 323, 327 Tall tales, 137, 143, 270-71, 360 Tanglewoocl Tales, 72 Taou Yuen, 326 Tar, 297 Tarkington, Booth, 208, 209, 214, 216, 217, 261-64, 2$&> 272> 305? 379 ^ Tarrant, Verena, 175 Tattooed Countess, The, 324 Taylor, Bayard, 117 Tempest, The, 316 Tempest and Sunshine, 106 Templeton, Judge, 21 Ten Nights in a Bar Room, 107 Tender Buttons, 340 Tenney, Tabitha, 20 Tennyson, 121, 152