THE BATTLE OF FRANCE Poland because they had mastery of the air which enabled them, before their tanks advanced, to disorganize command. But it'll fail against us, because we're lucky enough to possess a strong force of fighter planes/ * One after the other, the tanks filed past the Colonel. With the antennae of their wirelesses raised, they looked like something from the Middle Ages. From a distance it seemed as if the officer standing in the tower bore a lance. Despite the state of the ground, they completed the difficult course without a hitch. 'We have/ the Colonel said with satisfaction, 'an excellent repair shop/ 'Who runs it?' 'An engineer who specialized in pumps before the war. And I'm very glad that they haven't given us a professional garage-manager who was used to having all the necessary tools handy. He'd have moaned all day, while my little engineer uses what he's got and gets along marvellously. Here is our lorry-shop/ All the parts, nuts, and bolts that might be required to repair these complicated motors were set out in carefully docketed compartments. An expert attended to the radio apparatus. 'Do they work all right?' I asked. 'Yes, quite well enough to transmit the sort of * Yes, that sort of thing was said then by intelligent officers. 40