THE BATTLE OF FRANCE out, they apologized with "Pardon, monsieur" by way of practice/ "Did they stand up to the journey pretty well?9 'Mules/ the major said, 'are beasts that have to be known. They are the offspring of the donkey and the mare: they've all the stubbornness of the one and the courage of the other* Everything new they hate. The first time you put them on a train, you need four drivers to overcome the prejudices of one mule. But once they've adopted the train, they never want to leave it. To start with, they starve rather than eat these unfamiliar oats. Now, however, all that's been straightened out, and everything's going well. The mules were manifestly in superb condition. Small, vigorous, with shining coats, they were very much alive and ready for work. Each of them was covered with a light grey cloth. Their improvised stable was open to the air. The Indian Army knows how to take care of its animals. 'And the goats?' I said, *we had a lot of trouble with the Hindoos' goats in the last war/ "We've no goats/ the Major said, 'we give them mutton/ Everything has its day. Ch6chias and Kilts You have had descriptions of the smart parade a few days ago, when General Gamelin conferred on 92