THE BATTLE OF FRANCE 'But that was not that. He landed with a shocking din of quivering stays and metal, but without mishap. Once reassured, I quite naturally lost my temper, had him brought in and said: "All that was just silly. What good did it do? Now youVe got an appalling headache." * "Excuse me, sir," he said, "but I haven't a headache." * "Well then, you've split an ear-drum?" e "I'm sorry, sir, but I haven't split an ear-drum." e "Well, in any case, you've behaved in a most ridiculous manner!" * "I see that now, sir," he said, "but it was so lovely up there!"' At that moment, a young man saluted as he passed. 'That's rather a curious case,' said the Com- modore, 'he's a young actor who, without ever having been in an aeroplane, had a part in a pro- paganda film called "The Lion Has Wings". And he liked the part so much that as soon as the film was finished, he took up flying.' Which all goes to make excellent pilots. 114