THE BATTLE OF FRANCE In our exercises the batmen are the enemy: they like it a lot. . .. It's not altogether unpleasant, waiting, sitting in the grass at prepared positions, while your officer crawls about in the mud carrying your gun and pack!5 We were at the corner of a wood that dominated a deep quarry. Aeroplanes turned and roared away, shining in the sunlight: but they were taking no part in the game. The platoon of officers came towards us across the country in what seemed to me too close a formation. I said so. 'The problem/ the instructor replied, 'states that the operation takes place before dawn and in a fog. Otherwise you'd be perfectly right of course. This approach would be impossible/ There were shots. The enemy responded. The exercise over, the instructor made his criticism. He spoke to the commander of the attack, a young captain with glasses and a fair moustache. It was a good move to send your first section against the enemy's flank, but you should have done it when you were inside the wood, not in the open/ *I just told the leader of the section what he was expected to do. I left the rest to his initiative/ 'Your approach to the wood was too oblique. The fog might have lifted a dozen times/ During the criticism, I looked at their faces. They were keen and intelligent. The instructor told me that these young officers were working with a 150