THE NATURE OF POLITICS 9 the solution of the practical problems of Government depends on a proper understanding of the first principles of politics. But man did not, at first, weigh the pros and cans of this and that form of Government, and adopt one as the result of a reasoned conclusion. The problem of getting his living led him to certain political forms; only later did he begin to criticise these forms, to make a science of politics, and to try deliberately to improve his Government. His success in this improvement has depended on his economic progress and on the development of the power to think clearly. If practical problems are solved with the help of principles, principles must be examined in the light of facts. It has already been noticed that the idea of justice is changed by the conditions of society; this examination must now be carried further. Except in a few favoured climates, the task of getting food, shelter and clothing has always taken much of man's attention, and so, for the most part, determined his form of Government, When he lived by tilling the fields he worshipped the natitfal forces—rain, sun and rivers—and power went to those who could create the belief that they had special influence with these nature gods. When shortage of food led to fighting among families and tribes, physical strength became another source of power. The ruling class thus created strengthened itself by acquiring the ownership of land. With the wealth that ownership brought they were able to maintain trained forces to uphold their power. The process varied a great deal from one part of the world to another, but it is, in general, true that the origin of States is the seizure of power by a group. The group keeps power as long as it can govern efficiently enough to prevent or suppress revolt. Later, criticism and peaceable reform may take the place of revolt, but the element of coercion remains. So, in nearly all societies to-day, there is a privileged group which, whatever the form of the State, exercises power out of proportion to its numbers. Examples will make the point clear. If a foreigner who knows