THE NATURE OF POLITICS 13 STATES, NATIONS AND RACES. But it is not only the economic structure of a society which helps to explain its politics. There are different races of men, each with its special characteristics; there are different languages and beliefs. Further, the States Of to-day were formed at different times, and their politics bear the marks of their date of origin. The chief importance of these facts is that they affect the relations between Government and people. The special loyalty which a man feels to his own district or race or faith may conflict with his loyalty to the State; the form of Government must allow for this if the goodwill of the citizens is to be kept. Of the forty-eight States of the American Union, thirteen are older than the U.S.A. itself; of the rest, some have been created by the migration of Europeans of many races to the open spaces of the West, some have been added by purchase. Each has a history of its own, and many have long traditions. The U.S.A. is a Federation; that is to say, the Government of the whole, or Federal Government, is not a sovereign ruler over the various parts; its rights, and the rights of each State, are exactly defined, and cannot be altered by the Federal Government alone, but only by the people as a whole, acting in a way laid down by the American Constitution. Contrast this with the Government of the United Kingdom, which is Unitary. Wide powers are given to towns and counties; special provision is made, in certain respects, for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; but the Parliament of the whole has the power to alter these arrange- ments at will. Switzerland is made up of cantons, some of which are older than the Federation; and its people .differ in language and religion and race. Although these differences are also found in Yugo-Slavia, the Government is not Federal, and there has been great discontent among the races and faiths which are in a minority. Federation is a way of getting the advantages of living together even when there are great obstacles to unity. Peoples of different race and language may also be joined in an Empire. This