THE MONARCHY 37 1923 Mr. Bonar Law, the Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party, retired owing to ill-health. Since the Conservatives held a majority, the King had to send for one of them, but it was not clear whether Mr. Baldwin or Lord Curzon was to be their leader. The King settled the matter by sending for Mr. Baldwin. In 1931 Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, finding that his Labour Government could no longer rely on its Labour- Liberal majority, resigned. The King might have sent for Mr. Baldwin, as the leader of the next largest party; he did in fact send for Mr. MacDonald and ask him to form a new Government, containing members of all parties. This new Government did not survive simply because the King had suggested it, but because a majority in Parliament approved, and because it won the next election. The Prime Minister, thus chosen, must get the King's approval for the list of Ministers. Here again the King may exercise personal choice; he may say, "I do not want such and such a man among my Ministers." The Prime Minister can give way, or, if he prefers, offer to resign; but if he is the only person who can get a majority, then the King must give way. Queen Victoria had a strong objection to Henry Labouchere, who frequently opposed grants of money for the Royal Family; and her objection kept him out of office. It would not have done, ha4 the Prime Minister been as determined to get him in as the Queen was to keep him out. Political parties to-day are highly organised, and most people know who are the leaders and chief figures in them. So, when any Party has .won an election, it is clear who is going to be Prime Minister, and shrewd guesses can be made as to who will fill the other posts. In the i8th century, when Party organisation was not so developed, the King's own wishes were more likely to be fulfilled The Ministers have the task of carrying out the law, and framing new laws to submit to Parliament. Throughout this process, there will be many documents for the King to sign. If he wishes, he can become a " rubber stamp King", signing as