THB KING'S MINISTERS 63 learning the ropes and hope in time to enter the Cabinet. Next, an older group who for one reason or another hove not been found suitable for Cabinet rank, but whose diligence in one Department, or loyalty to their party, give them a claim to some post. The Ministry is simply a list of all the office-holders; it does not act together in the manner of the Cabinet. Ministers outside the Cabinet are expected to agree, in their public speeches, with the whole of the Government's policy; but an occasional disagreement does not cause much stir. Mr. Baldwin once created some amusement by remarking about a middle-aged non-Cabinet Minister in his Government, who had made a speech that did not represent the Government view, that "he would know better when he had reached years of discretion". When in 1938 a newly appointed Under-Secretary expressed opinions on a grave matter of foreign policy on which the Cabinet had not pronounced, there was much criticism and he had to apologise in the Commons for his "indiscretion". SALARIES. Ministers are paid for their work, in addition to their salaries as M.P.S. An Act passed in 1937 fixed the salaries of the Prime Minister and the Lord Chancellor at £10,000 a year, and of the remaining Cabinet Ministers at £5,000. It also introduced a new idea by providing £2,000 for the Leader of the Opposition. Total expenditure on this head was increased by about £40,000, which called forth some criticism. It is dearly right to pay Ministers something, unless the country is to be governed solely by those who have private means. How much they ought to be paid must depend on the expenses of their office and the general level of incomes outside politics. If an arrangement of the world is permitted which allows one man to get £20,000 a year for the mere ownership of property, and enables successful lawyers and industrialists to draw five-figure incomes, it is hard to object to £5,000 or even £10,000 a year for Cabinet Ministers. £5,000 a year is thought necessary to secure the right type of man for a