CHAPTER VI THE POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF GOVERNMENT Classification of Government Activity The Treasury The Home Office Keeping the Peace Social Work (i) Factory Acts (ii) Public Welfare Status of the Home Office The Scottish Office The Foreign Office Keeping in touch with Foreign Countries Assisting British Subjects Abroad Planning Foreign Policy The Armed Forces Navy Army Air Force General Considerations CLASSIFICATION OF GOVERNMENT ACTIVITY. Any Government must be able to keep order; if it does not do this it is not a Government. Further, if it exists in a world of Sovereign States, it must consider its relations with its neighbours. In connection with both these tasks it will decide to keep certain Armed Forces. To pay for these Departments it must get money. So Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Armed Forces and Finance may be called the necessary or POLITICAL activities of Government. The philosophy called laissez-faire, which was popular some 150 years ago, held that, if possible, Governments should attend to these things and no more. Nearly all of the community's economic life—the arrangements for the producing and sharing of wealth—would thus t>e left outside Government 85