THE ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF GOVERNMENT IOJ and their relations with other forms of transport. The preparation of any new laws would be the Minister's task, though the chance of enacting them would depend on the attitude of the Treasury. Thus the proposals of the Weir Committee for electrifying the Railways must wait for financial help. There are two partly independent authorities connected with this Department—the London Passenger Transport Board and the Central Electricity Board. The former is appointed by a group of institutions, some public and some private; it carries on its work independently within the limits set by the London Passenger Transport Act. This Act, as originally planned by Mr. Herbert Morrison, when he was Minister of Transport, required that the Board should be appointed by the Minister. But before the Bill became law the Labour Government to which Mr. Morrison belonged had fallen, and their successors adopted the present plan. So London Transport is not a department of Government but, rather, a private concern under exceptional measures of public control. The members of the Central Electricity Board, on the other hand, are appointed by the Minister. The generation of Electricity is carried on by private persons, and its distribution either privately, or by local authorities. The work of the Board is simply to select certain generating stations and arrange for transmission, with the object of cheapening the supply. There has been a great increase in the use of electricity since the Board was appointed in 1926; but development is still hampered by the lack of organisation in distribution. THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES. The first purpose of this Department was to collect inform- ation about agricultural methods. It soon appeared that there was a special need for the Government to act in the prevention of disease among animals. Farmers could not be left to deal with this as they pleased, since the carelessness of a few could cause widespread infection. The Ministry, through its Inspectors,