124 THE BRITISH APPROACH TO POLITICS i i his means do not e^eed £65 a year; or, under the 1925-1937 Acts, a pension to which no Means Test is applied; the latter scheme is naturally ousting the former. The whole cost of pensions over seventy is borne by the State* The pension schemes apply, with a few exceptions, to the same people as those who contribute to National Health Insurance. In consequence of an Act of 1937, people who are not manual workers, but whose incomes are less than £400 a year, can become contributors for pensions. The Acts of 2908 aad 1925 have been frequently amended. The position of widows whose husbands died before the latter Act was passed; is an example of the type of problem wfcich arose and required fresh legislation. So it is not always easy for a person to know whether he or she is qualified for the pension. The Councils of Counties, and of the larger towns, have to appoint Pensions Committees to examine claims; in this task they are assisted by a Pensions Officer who is in fact, a Civil Servant in the Customs and Excise Department. Appeals can be made from the Pensions Committee to the Ministry of Health, for which a large volume of business is thus created. The rapid growth of these three great systems of social insurance against unemployment, sickness and old age, is one of the most remarkable events of this century. Their combined effects on conditions of life is such that they must-be regarded as a vital part of the political and economic structure of the country. Towards the cost, the insured persons and their employers contribute about £100,000,000 a year, and the State adds to the Unemployment Insurance, Health Insurance, and Contributory Pensions Funds about £35*000,000. The State and local authorities have to supplement this by providing pensions for those over seventy, and the payments for unemployment .assistance and public assistance; this charge on public funds totals about £140,000,000. The resulting problems of public finance are discussed in a later chapter; for the present it is important to notice the £100,000,000 of contributions, half of which comes